Thursday, 25 November 2021

Present simple: positive, negative and question.

 We are learning how to create sentences using the present simple. Here you can watch a video to revise the positive, the negative and the question grammar.

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Movements of the Earth

 Movements of the Earth:

  • Rotation: The Earth moves around its axis. It turns every 24 hours = 1 day. This movement causes day and the night.
  • Revolution: The Earth moves around the Sun. It turns every 365days = 1 year. This movement causes the four seasons: summer, spring, autumn and winter. 

Wednesday, 17 November 2021

The solar system videos and songs

 We are learning about the Solar System. Here you are the videos that we watched in class to revise and learn a little bit more information.

Sunday, 7 November 2021

El otoño y el arte

 El otoño, nos enseña sus colores y los utilizamos en estas mandalas de otoño.

Thursday, 4 November 2021


El pasado viernes 29 el alumnado de 2ºEP celebró Halloween con actividades muy divertidas..... ¡hasta hicieron un escape room en inglés! Además, creamos unas terroríficas máscaras para poder lucirlas a lo largo del día. ¡Lo pasamos genial!


Last Friday 29th we celebrated Halloween with funny activities...we also did an escape room!! After that, we created terrifying masks and we wore them during the day. We had great fun!

¡Recetas de miedo!

 Halloween es un buen momento para meternos en la cocina y realizar sencillas recetas de miedo.