Friday, 27 March 2020

Vídeo fuerzo y ánimo - It'll be fine

Os adjuntamos el vídeo para que os lleguen todos los ánimos que os mandamos desde casa.

¡Nos vemos pronto!

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

3ºA and 3ºB Garden pots

Last week of school we planted different flowers and vegetables in class. The school caretaker tought us how to do it.

We are very exceited about it! Here you can see some pictures of the moment!

Monday, 16 March 2020


This following weeks we'll be using interactive workbooks to study different subjects: English, Science, Matemáticas, Lengua and French.

Access using your username and password directly using the box below.

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Proporcionado por Live Worksheets

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

3ºC Garden pots: vegetables and flowers

Last week we planted different flowers and vegetables in class. The school caretaker tought us how to do it.

Now there is a new superheroe in class who is in charge of  "watering the plants". This is extremelly important as plants are living beings that need soil, air, water and sunlight to live.

And guess what! We have got two pots of lettuce that have started to flower!

We are very exceited about it!

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Types of triangles

We are learning the 3 types of triangles depending on their sides in Maths in English. 

Click on the following videos to learn their names! Enjoy!

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Living things and vital functions

We are learning about living thins and their vital functions. 

Here you are some videos to underestand better nutrition, reproduction and interaction!

Storytelling - cuentacuentos

Para contextualizar el tema central del carnaval así como para concienciar a nuestros y nuestras peques, vino una cuentacuentos al cole a contarnos una historia relacionada con el cuidado del medioambiente y a explicarnos qué eran las tres Rs de nuestro logo de superhéroes y superheroínas. 


To contextualize the central topic of the carnival as well as to raise awareness in our children, a stroyteller came to the school to tell us a stroy about the care of the environment and to explain us what was the meaning of the three Rs of our superhero logo.


El pasado 21 de febrero celebramos carnaval en el cole y........ ¡así quedaron nuestros disfraces!

¡Parecemos auténticos superhéroes y superheroínas!

Monday, 2 March 2020

INTERACTION (plants and animals)

Click on each animal or plant to watch the videos. Which interaction do you appreciate?