Monday, 25 November 2019

The digestive system

We have just started learning about the human body.

The first system that we are learning is the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM, made up of a group of organs that work together to help us digest food.

The different parts of this system are: 
  1. The mouth
  2. The esophagus
  3. The stomach
  4. The small intestine
  5. The large intestine
  6. The anus
If you want to underestand better the system click on the following video and enjoy! 


Tuesday, 19 November 2019

The water cycle. Drama

The world's water moves between lakes, rivers, oceans, the atmosphere and the land in an ongoing cycle called...the water cycle!

As it goes through this continuous system, it can be in three different states: liquid (water), gas (vapour) or solid (ice).

To deeper understand this process, year 3 students have dramatized the water cycle. We hope you enjoy it and learn with us!

3ºA Drama           3ºB Drama          3ºC Drama

Sunday, 10 November 2019

"EL CUADRITO FEO" - Museo Universidad de Navarra

27th September 2019

"We are all different, which is great because we are all unique. Without diversity life would be very boring"  - Catherine Pulsifer

¿Have you ever thought about the advantages of being different? To do so, we went to the Museum at the University of Navarre. We participated in an activity called "El cuadrito Feo" which aim was to recognize feelings and emotions in order to be able to accept diversity. 

The activity consisted of showing three different paintings from well known authors which were weird and difficult to understand in terms of beauty.


Each student had to choose the ugliest painting for him/her and use different materials to make it beautiful. Here are some pictures of the process and results!


Having fun with Maths!

Here you are some games to have fun and learn maths at the same time.

We hope you enjoy!  ---->  Click here to play.

States of water

Hi everyone!

As we learnt in unit 1, the hydrosphere is the word we use to describe all the water on Earth: on its surface, underground and in the air. 

Water can be found in three different states: liquid, solid and gas.

Here are some videos for you to better understand! ;)

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Bodies of water

Hey there!

Did you know that 75% of our planet is covered by water? We have learnt that this is the reason why the Earth is also called "the blue planet".

We can distinguish different bodies of water on the Earth's surface. They can be classified into salt water or  fresh water.

Here are some videos for you to better understand! ;)

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

The water cycle

We are learning about THE WATER CYCLE and the 4 stages it has.

1. Evaporation
2. Condensation
3. Precipitation
4. Collection

Here you have some videos and songs to underestand better the Cycle. 

Have fun! 


Welcome to the blog of 3º primary!

Hello everyone!

This is going to be our blog for this year where you can find videos and games about what we are learning in class.

We will also upload here photos of the excurssions and complementary activities.

We hope you enjoy it!

Sara and Leyre